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Discover the Benefits of IRS Tax Relief

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What Does IRS Tax Relief Mean?

IRS tax relief refers to the process of seeking assistance from the IRS to alleviate your tax-related issues. Rather than viewing it as a confrontation with the IRS, it's about leveraging the programs they have established specifically for taxpayers like you. Navigating the various relief programs offered by the IRS can lead to significant savings and a fresh start, as long as you adhere to their rules and guidelines.

Who Can Benefit from IRS Tax Relief?

IRS tax relief programs and options are available to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria. Qualification for a specific relief option depends on several factors, including your ability to pay, current income and expenses, and assets. Since each case is unique, seeking assistance from a tax relief specialist maximizes your chances of selecting the most suitable IRS tax relief option for your situation.

Get Assistance with IRS Tax Relief

If you are grappling with any of the following issues, there are tax relief options available to ease your burden and help you regain financial stability. The House of Tax Repressentatives has successfully assisted taxpayers across all 50 states in obtaining IRS tax relief. Some common IRS tax issues we have resolved for our clients include:

  • Unfiled tax returns
  • Outstanding back taxes
  • Wage garnishment
  • Bank levy
  • Penalty abatement
  • Audit defenses

Explore IRS Tax Relief Programs

The IRS provides a range of tax relief programs for taxpayers to choose from. However, it is crucial to bear in mind that TIME plays a critical role when dealing with the IRS. All IRS offerings are time-bound, requiring prompt action and adherence to deadlines. Delaying the exploration of available options may cause you to miss out on specific tax relief opportunities. To achieve the best possible outcome, it is essential to swiftly explore all your options and set your tax relief plan in motion.

Installment Agreement

An installment agreement allows you to repay your tax debt over a specified period, offering a more manageable alternative to a lump-sum payment. This arrangement grants you additional time to settle your debt without the burden of collection pressure and associated fees.

Currently Non-Collectible Status

The currently non-collectible status is an IRS tax relief option that enables you to temporarily halt any collection efforts on your outstanding taxes. This option proves beneficial when you require additional time and are unable to afford immediate payments.

Offer In Compromise

If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to cover your entire IRS tax debt, you may qualify for an offer in compromise. This program allows you to settle your tax debt for an amount less than what you currently owe.

Innocent Spouse Relief

Depending on your circumstances, you might be eligible for relief from your spouse's tax burden through the IRS Innocent Spouse Relief program. This option provides a way to alleviate your responsibility for your spouse's tax liabilities.

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At first, it all sounded too good to be true. I owed IRS $366K and I can’t believe I only paid $7K. Words are not enough to express my appreciation for House of Tax.

Frank M

San Bernardino, CA


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Free Consultation

Call us directly, or click on the Get Started Button and fill out the simple contact form. Next, you’ll connect with a tax resolution expert and tell them about your situation.

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We Work On Your Behalf

We establish communication with the IRS on your behalf. Your tax expert collects important information about your case. Finally, we determine the best path to compliance and the best possible outcome.

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Tax Freedom

The final step is establishing compliance with the IRS and putting your tax resolution plan into action. Once you free yourself from tax problems we’ll help you stay on track and in good standing with the IRS.

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