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Resolve Unfiled Tax Returns Hassle-Free

Resolve Unfiled Tax Returns Hassle-Free

Regain peace of mind and ensure your tax compliance with ease

Understanding Unfiled Tax Returns

If you have neglected to file your tax returns for a year or more, you're not alone. Numerous reasons contribute to individuals failing to file their tax returns, often due to an inability to pay their taxes. However, the IRS is more understanding if you file your returns despite being unable to pay. The best course of action is to file, become current, and explore tax relief programs for which you may qualify. The House of Tax Repressentatives has assisted thousands of taxpayers in filing their unfiled tax returns and getting back on track.

Consequences of Not Filing Tax Returns

Tax Penalties

Late filing penalties and monthly late payment penalties will be assessed, while interest will accumulate on any unpaid taxes.

Refund Delay

If you have unfiled tax returns from previous years but file for the current year, the IRS may delay refund disbursement.

Reduced Refund

The IRS reserves the right to file a substitute return on your behalf, potentially reducing or eliminating your refund.

Refund Forfeiture

Late tax returns can be filed within three years to claim any due refund. Failing to meet this deadline results in forfeiture of the refund.

Criminal Charges

Failure to file tax returns is a criminal offense. Each year without filing may lead to up to one year of imprisonment (up to five years).

How to Catch Up on Unfiled Tax Returns

Put your worries about unfiled tax returns and their consequences to rest by easily catching up with the assistance of the House of Tax Repressentatives. We will assess your situation and guide you towards the best path forward. Several avenues can be explored, including:

Extension Request

If you are unable to file this year's taxes on time, you can request a filing extension to gain additional time for submission. However, any taxes owed must still be paid by the original tax deadline. If full payment is not feasible, you can set up an IRS payment plan.

SFR Reconsideration

In the event that the IRS files a substitute for return (SFR) due to unfiled tax returns, you have the option to file a late return to replace it. This process, known as SFR reconsideration, is beneficial if you disagree with the adjustments made by the IRS on your SFR.

Penalty Relief

In certain cases, you may be eligible for waiver of filing and payment penalties through a first-time abatement request or relief based on reasonable cause. These options are available if you have encountered unforeseen circumstances that prevented timely filing.

Offer In Compromise

If you are unable to make any payments toward your tax debt, the IRS may agree to settle for a reduced amount through an offer in compromise. You must demonstrate financial hardship and an inability to fulfill the requested payments. This approach can effectively bring you up to date and back on track with the IRS.

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